Monday, November 29, 2010

Steve Martin and why is his name in this title?

This now is the first blog post of many regarding Deprovements, a word coined recently by Steve Martin, yes THAT Steve Martin (@stevemartintogo) on a show, "Triangulation" with Leo Laporte and Tom Merritt (at time of air) - yes, that Leo, of TheTechGuy radio show, Starring Leo Laporte, "The Tech Guy!" from Petaluma, California on the Premier Radio Network via KLA-FM and Premier affiliates.

A De-provement is a piece of software that was working until JUST recently, where it was "improved" [in the eyes of the developer and the developers' perceived loyal following], but actually after the "improvement" is now either non-functional, missing a key piece or feature that drew you to the software in the first place.  I will add to this definition: Android software that you pay for, then almost immediately permissions increase that can amd usually are either superfluous to the proper running of said software or worse, permissions that increase the potential misuse of their perceived "...need to be in the software."

Let's begin:

Evernote; probable the worst asking for 19 permissions - 17 of which they clearly do not need.

Where (aka Yowzaa! on the iPhone); from the brains of your Hero and mine, "The Cop" - Grundberg - and his coding buddy.  They have backed off permissions (specifically Read Phone State and Discover Known Accounts - the former probably the worst as it has only one function of which even native Google apps don't need or ask for)

Finance by the Google Finance Team; as of Aug 2013, not sure Google even cares about it (R.I.P.  Google WAVE, Reader, Knowles, _______ )